Inaugural Proceedings Call: The Unbearable Humanities

The Virginia Humanities Conference (VHC) is a non-profit organization of universities, colleges, and community colleges in Virginia whose purpose is to promote interest and research in the humanities.  Each year in the Spring, a delegate institution hosts the conference, which is open to presenters from across the country. This year we are pleased to announce the first annual peer-reviewed published conference proceedings.

Presenters at VHC 2017 are eligible to submit essays for consideration in the 2018 proceedings publication. Essays should be of conference length, and they should conform to the most recent MLA formatting standard. All submissions will be peer reviewed. Delegates are eligible to submit presented work to the proceedings, to be peer-reviewed by anonymous non-Delegate reviewers. The first issue of the proceedings will be available at the 2018 Conference.

To submit your paper for consideration, email it as a Word attachment to Deadline for submission of papers is August 1, 2017.

Is your institution not a member institution? Join the VHC and help promote the humanities as a valuable way to engage the world we live in. VHCProceedingsCall

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